Creamfields Hong Kong 2024 - Day 1
Creamfields Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Saturday, April 13 at 12 pm GMT+8
Drum & Bass
1 +Person going
Saturday, April 13 at 12 pm GMT+8
Drum & Bass
Entry Options
The world’s leading music festival series from UK, Creamfields, come back with stronger line up!
Creamfields is the world's leading dance music festival series, as well as the biggest in the UK featuring DJ performances and live acts. The world's leading dance music festival series from UK, Creamfields, made its debut in Asia's first stop, Hong Kong in 2017 with a star-studded lineup which made a splash in the local history of dance music festival. Following the support of the fans, this year the biggest-ever outdoor festival of Creamfields Hong Kong returns on 13 (Saturday) and 14 (Sunday) April at Central HarbourFront Event Space.
Line Up: (Artist A-Z)
Armin van Buuren, Bass Modulators, BEAUZ, Chase and Status, Chris Avantgarde, Dimension, Hedegaard, Illenium, Kura, Martin Garrix, Noisecontrollers, Pink Panda, Seth Hills, Slander, Subtronics, Tiya, Toneshifters, YÅKO, Zok
Anjunadeep | Anjunabeats:
anamē, CRi, Genix, Ipeiqi, Laura van Dam, Luttrell, Marsh, Mat Zo, Nils Hoffmann
Fabled Stage Take𐍈ver:
7Killer, ARVII, Dove, é live, J. C. Zhou, JerryKool, Lona, MOJO, Ordinary Zhu, Warthogs Robber, YeMen, Ruan Cheng Wu
Terms and Conditions:
All persons entering Creamfields Hong Kong 2024 are subject to the following Terms and Conditions. Any person who does not comply with these Terms and Conditions may be refused admission or remove from the venue without refund or compensation.
- All tickets are standing only. You must be aged 18 or above;
- Each ticket admits one (1) person only;
- Maximum of 8 tickets per customer for each transaction;
- The Organiser reserves the right to verify the participants’ identity. Any participant who fails to produce his/her valid identity document or whose identity is not found to be matched will not be allowed to admission. Acceptable proof of identity documents are: HKID Card, Macau ID Card, Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau or Passport. No copies of any form of identification documents will be accepted;
- Unauthorized duplication of the ticket may prevent your admittance to the event. Unlawful resale (or attempted) is ground for seizure or cancellation without refund or compensation;
- The programme information is provided for reference only. The Organiser reserves the right to change programme information or schedule without prior notice;
- The Organiser may refuses to or restricts the number of participant(s) to admit to or having access to a part of the venue if the Organiser reasonably believes that the refusal or restriction is necessary to ensure safety or order. The participants shall comply with all directions and requests of the Organiser given or made for the purpose of ensuring safety or order;
- If the Red Rainstorm Signal or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above is issued, the festival will be cancelled. All the inclement weather arrangements will be announced on Creamfields Hong Kong's and Live Nation Electronic Asia's Facebook and Instagram or via Email.
- Tickets cannot be changed or cancelled after the transaction is completed. All tickets sold are non-refundable & non-exchangeable. The Organiser will not be responsible for any mistake during the transaction process.
- In case of ticket disputes, the decision of Live Nation Electronic Asia shall be final.
Creamfields 是英國最大的電子音樂節, Creamfields於2017年首次登陸亞洲首站香港,星光熠熠的陣容在本地電子音樂節史上留下了濃墨重彩的一筆。 在樂迷的支持下,今年最盛大的Creamfields Hong Kong戶外音樂節將於4月13日(星期六)及14日(星期日)在中環海濱活動空間隆重回歸!
强大陣容 (藝人名字以A-Z順序排列)
Armin van Buuren, Bass Modulators, BEAUZ, Chase and Status, Chris Avantgarde, Dimension, Hedegaard, Illenium, Kura, Martin Garrix, Noisecontrollers, Pink Panda, Seth Hills, Slander, Subtronics, Tiya, Toneshifters, YÅKO, Zok 李洛爾
Anjunadeep | Anjunabeats:
anamē, CRi, Genix, Ipeiqi, Jason Ross, Laura van Dam, Luttrell, Marsh, Mat Zo, Nils Hoffmann
Fabled Stage Take𐍈ver:
7Killer, ARVII, Dove 和路雪, é live, J. C. Zhou, JerryKool, Lona, MOJO, Ordinary Zhu, Warthogs Robber, YeMen, 阮成武
- 全企位門票,您必須年滿 18 歲或以上;
- 每票只限一人;
- 每位購票者於每筆交易可購買最多 8 張門票;
- 主辦單位有權要求入場人士出示有效身份證明文件正本(包括香港居民身份證或澳門居民身份證、來往港澳通行證或護照),作核實身份之用,恕不接受任何形式的身份證明文件副本;
- 未經授權複製門票可能會阻止您進入場。若有人非法 (或企圖) 轉售門票,門票可被檢取或取消並無法獲得退款或賠償;
- 節目資料只供參考,主辦單位有權更改節目資料及時間表而不作另行通知;
- 為確保活動安全及入場人士的秩序,主辦單位及其職員有權拒絕或限制進入部分活動場地的人數,入場人士須遵守主辦單位及其職員的相關安排及指示;
- 如活動當日懸掛紅色暴雨警告或三號或以上烈風信號,節目將會取消。請於節目當日留意主辦單位的最新消息。有關任何惡劣天氣的緊急安排將透過以下途徑通知相關訊息:香港Creamfields,Live Nation Electronic Asia 社交媒體及電子郵件。
- 交易完成後,門票不可更改或取消。所有已售出之門票均不可退款及不可更換。主辦單位對交易過程中的任何錯誤不承擔任何責任。
- 如有任何票務爭議,Live Nation Electronic Asia 保留最終決定權。