Psychostick, Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre (Denver)
Mercury Cafe
Friday, June 13 at 8 pm MDT
Concert Venue
Friday, June 13 at 8 pm MDT
Concert Venue
Entry Options
Psychostick, Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre - Live in Concert
Psychostick is yell-guy Rob Kersey, guitaring-person Josh Key, drum-man Alex Dontre and bass-moose Matty J “Moose”. Psychostick's sound has been described as the result of recording instruments falling down a long stairwell. A lot of the songs are about food because they like eating food and it's rumored they need it to live.
Mercury Cafe
2199 California St, Denver, CO 80205
www.mercurycafe.com | All Responsible Ages Permitted
Mercury Cafe
Since 1975, the Mercury Cafe has been a home to poets, punks, rebels, and artists from all walks of life. The Merc is built on the inclusion of spirit, character, free opinion and heart. These walls are Denver’s greatest muse, they are alive with generations of stories from the wonderers and wanderers who have performed here. There is nowhere quite like it. We invite you to discover the magic of Denver’s oldest venue for yourself. The Mercury Cafe is powered by the Wind and the Sun. We serve local, organic food, and community is our purpose.
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