A tale as old as time itself. Or Eight years if you're counting. An event that could only have been manifested in the simulation, The Pig brings you one of the greatest days of the year. Green Beer, bagpipes, and endless ~until 9PM~ debauchery.
Potbelly's Presents: 8th Annual Fake Paddy's Day Party (27th St. Patrick's Day Celebration)
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day a little early at Potbelly's for the 8th Annual Fake Patrick's Day with EDM performances, live bands, leprechauns, and bagpipes on Saturday, March 10th, 2022.
We're dropping a free green keg at main bar on the hour
Ticketing Information:
General Admission Tickets are currently $15-25 and include access to Potbelly's, The Painted Lady and The Music Garden for the event. Tickets can be purchased online through Eventbrite or Potbellys.net .
18+ event
- 2 Blocks from multiple parking garages including Kleman Plaza in the heart of Downtown
- College Avenue street parking