This March, Wrecked celebrates 14 years. It’s hard to remember a time before the party existed - it’s been such a landmark of the NY club underground and an unwavering bastion of musically-enlightened queer clubbing. Simply put, the teeming electronic underground we enjoy today would look significantly different if Wrecked hadn’t been there to help set the standard every step of the way. In celebration, founders and residents Ron Like Hell and Ryan Smith play a rare all-night-long b2b. This will be a no-holds-barred excursion into essential psychedelia, delivered with masterful control and the core sense of joy that has animated Wrecked since day one.
Cocktail d’Amore resident Budino has become an indispensable addition to the Berlin queer underground. Drawing on lineages of cosmic chug that found their definitive form in her native country of Italy in the ‘80s, Budino mixes spacious and humid BPMs with undiluted boogie funk and a neon-hued vision of the future that still shimmers through decades of vinyl crackle. Jeffrey Sfire draws from a similar queer history of unrepentantly bright, pleasure-seeking production. The Detroit native holds nothing back, harnessing the essential animating lifeforce that connects generations of DJs, dancers and artists.