Undergang w/ Torture Rack, Heretic Bodyhammer
The Meadows
New York
Saturday, March 29 at 6 pm EDT
Hard Rock / Metal
Concert Venue
Saturday, March 29 at 6 pm EDT
Hard Rock / Metal
Concert Venue
Entry Options
Undergang's signature mix of neanderthalic drumming and stringy phlegm-like riffs is instantly recognizable to any Death Metal fan. Equally so is David’s signature vomit-snarled vocals, all of which immediately will grip you with the fist of festering decay from the earliest points. Although primal and disgusting as ever, Undergang have always had a penchant for including gloomy moments betwixt their rot churning disdain.
From the slowest drudges to the grinding fury and all sonic sadism in between, Undergang’s newest musical offering is a viciously unpleasant and transfixing opus of odors most foul. Woefully brutal, most puny headbangers will simply die from the sheer weight of heaviness. Any remaining will be flattened by the brutal gut-opening session. Although all of their albums contain nothing short of true magnificent monstrosities from start to end, the amount of diversity in this miniature tome of auditory violations is impeccable even by Undergang’s high standard. If you find yourself presented with this cacophony of rot, then be sure not to miss the opportunity to drown in the swampy sludge before you, it’s thrilling! If you can make it through all seven stages of depravity, then you must congratulate your own hardiness, then find yourself drawn back for more torture! So, all of the odious freaks out there, force-feed yourself this slab of sadism.
For 18+/21+ events, Physical unexpired Passports, drivers licenses, or military ID are the only form of acceptable identification at our establishment. For All Ages shows we will accept a school ID.
By purchasing a ticket, you agree to Brooklyn Monarch, The Meadows, and The Woodshop's Terms and Conditions: https://tinyurl.com/MonarchMeadowsWoodshop-Terms
The Kingsland Presents
This is an 16+ event