*Daughters of the Ruling Class* is a darkly comedic play from up-and-coming playwright Aidan La Poche and Cherubs Productions. Exclusively running at The Stranger for a limited time only, *Daughters of the Ruling Class* plunges audiences into the opulent yet perilous world of the progeny of the world's wealthiest elite as they navigate a cosmic catastrophe, civil unrest, and, of course, what to wear to the most important night of their lives: the Willshire Ball.
The cast features Brennan Keeley, Eden Plepler, Kalissa Persaud, Mads Daily, Olivia Vitarelli, Renée-Nicole Powell, and Vivian Hunt. The play showcases costumes by independent New York City designers Amanda Tabet, Zepherina, and Fiona Frohnapfel, with their collections unveiled throughout the performance.
The Stranger
21 and over