Cozzmic Sonic -6th Sense-
Ruby Room
Saturday, October 5 at 11:30 pm GMT+9
Saturday, October 5 at 11:30 pm GMT+9
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Full of acid sounds! COZZMIC SONIC keeps getting more powerful every time and will hold its 6th edition!
This time, Sancho Meiso Chaya, who has toured Europe including ZNA Gathering and OZORA Festival, will perform a dub-techno live set with energy! Continuing from the 3rd edition, ITA will play a solid groove mix. AYUMI will play her cool mix of minimal and acid to catch the floor. And regular COZZMIC SONIC member DADA, and organizers TOMOCOMO and JUN JIKOOHA will play each acid sounds.
アシッド・サウンド満載! 毎回パワーアップを重ねるCOZZMIC SONICが第6回目を開催!!
今回は、ZNAやOZORAを含めヨーロッパツアーを行い波に乗る山頂瞑想茶屋がダブテクノ・ライブセットを披露!そして、第3回に引き続き登場の確かなグルーヴを繰り出すITA、ミニマルとアシッドを織り交ぜクールにフロアをキャッチするAYUMI、COZZMIC SONICレギュラーメンバーのDADA、主催であるTOMOCOMOとJUN JIKOOHAが出演。
Entrance fee ::
・Door : ¥2000+1Drink Order
・缶バッジ割/Badge Discount : ¥1500+1Drink Order
(COZZMIC SONIC缶バッジをご提示ください / Bring the COZZMIC SONIC original badge!)
Crossover of acid house, techno, trance, etc! Just like turning the pages of a psychedelic picture book, a story is born from one night's party. Please come and experience COZZMIC SONIC!! You will be witness to a new scene! Let's get COZZMIC!!
アシッドハウス〜テクノ〜トランスをクロスオーバー!Old SchoolでNewスタイルなAcid Music Party。
サイケデリックな絵本をめくるように一夜のPartyから一つのストーリーが生まれる。。。そんな情景を描くCOZZMIC SONICを一緒に体験しよう! Let's get COZZMIC!!