LoversOnly 'Star Align' for Solfa 16TH ANNIVERSARY -DAY7-
Sunday, September 22 at 9 pm GMT+9
Sunday, September 22 at 9 pm GMT+9
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LoversOnly”, a community that expands the context of expression with love, will host an event to celebrate the 16th anniversary of Nakameguro Solfa on September 7 (Sat). LoversOnly, which interprets ama-piano as street music, a genre that has become one of the most important genres of music from South Africa to the rest of the world and now also in Japan, has put together a splendid lineup with the cooperation of Nakameguro Solfa.
The lineup includes mitokon from TYO GQOM, a Tokyo-based South African music collective; ziproom, a hip-hop collective from Kobe that is spreading its fame nationwide; It-Works, whose relaxed flow and minimalist sound are attracting attention; and R&B, SOUL, and HOUSE from South Korea. and HOUSE from Korea, as well as WHEELBUG, who transcends genres with a focus on R&B, SOUL, and HIPHOP.
The lineup also includes Fried Banana Shop from the hottest label w.a.u., which is the first label in Japan to mix the essence of jazz and amateur piano, and the young Kenshiro Sekiya, who expands his own world with a wide sound reminiscent of the night sky. In addition, 3D a.k.a. Uchu, who has been independently creating and releasing amateur piano music with South African artists such as Teno Afrika from Shimane, Takeru, who presides over Buzzin/Onomtope and continues to explore music without being bound by genres, and TSMY, who has supported LoversOnly since its inception and has his own unique interpretation of UK sounds and trap, is also in the lineup.
In addition, Kazuto Sato, nosuke, Meer, SHAKA, HIKARU, and MICO, who are active in crossover of various genres from Amapiano, UK Bass, Electronica to HipHop, R&B, and Raggae community.
出演には南アフリカ音楽を軸とした東京のコレクティブTYO GQOMからmitokon、さらに一躍知名度を全国へ広げる神戸のヒップホップコレクティブziproom、力の抜けたフローとミニマルなサウンドで注目を集めるIt-Works、さらには韓国からR&B,SOUL,HIPHOPを軸にジャンルを超えるWHEELBUGが並ぶ。
ラインナップには最注目レーベルw.a.uから国内初、ジャズとアマピアノのエッセンスを交える表現も取り入れるFried Banana Shop、夜空を思わせる広いサウンドを独自の世界と広げる若手、関谷拳四郎も並ぶ。さらに島根からTeno Afrikaをはじめ南アフリカのアーティストたちとのアマピアノの制作・音源リリースをインディペンデントに続ける3D a.k.a.Uchu、Buzzin/Onomtope主宰でジャンルに囚われず音楽を探求し続けるTakeruやLoversOnlyを最初期から支えUKサウンドやトラップを独自の解釈で操るTSMYもラインナップ。
加えてAmapiano, UK Bass, ElectronicaからHipHop, R&B, Raggaeまで、様々なジャンルをクロスオーバーし精力的に活動を行うKazuto Sato、nosuke、Meer、SHAKA、HIKARU、MICOらがLoversOnlyのコミュニティに集結する。