Discover. Tokyo
Sunday, September 22 at 11 pm GMT+9
Concert Venue
Sunday, September 22 at 11 pm GMT+9
Concert Venue
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新たな夜遊びとエンターテイメントを提供するダイバーシティイベント Discover.Tokyo。
そしてスペシャルゲスト DJ には、Matinee、Circuit Festival など世界中の主要パーティーでプレイし、トライバルとプログレッシブ・ミュージックに焦点を当てた自身のレーベル、Guareber Recordings においてオノ・ヨーコ、アヴリル・ラヴィーン、シェール等有名アーティストの楽曲もリミックスしている、バルセロナ生まれの Nacho Chapado を迎え、毎秒輝くクォーツの様な空間へ貴方を魅了する。
1F は、イベント開始以来、不動の人気を誇る K-POP PARTY KISUNI(キスニ)!!世界中を魅了し躍進を遂げ、今や世界の音楽シーンに欠かせない存在となった K-POP、思わず踊り出したくなる話題のあの曲や懐かしいあの曲で盛り上がること間違いなし!ステージではカバーダンスチーム PEBLO に加え、あのレジェンドダンサー JuNGLE が登場!!
4F は、第3回開催時に好評だったカルチャーをベースにした韓国の人気ブランド VEAK とのコラボフロア by VEAK が再び WOMB 4F に帰ってくる。韓国から DJ Maktoop (Kockiri)と DRAG QUEEN の NANA を迎えるほか、国内で活躍する DJ を新たに加え、輝く特別なダンスフロアをお届け。
特に韓国を代表する DragQueen・NANA によるパフォーマンスは Don't miss it!!
一東京、アジアを代表するイベント Discover.Tokyo の第五章が、いよいよ始まる。
Introducing Discover.Tokyo, a diversity event that offers a new nightlife and entertainment experience. After four hugely successful events themed around "Space," "Jungle," "Ocean," and "Desert," Discover.Tokyo has rapidly grown into one of Tokyo’s premier parties. This fall, the fifth installment celebrates its second anniversary, with the theme set in an underground cavern filled with glowing crystals.
This edition’s special guest DJ is Barcelona-born Nacho Chapado, who has played at major parties worldwide such as Matinee and Circuit Festival. With a focus on tribal and progressive music, his label Guareber Recordings has remixed tracks for renowned artists like Yoko Ono, Avril Lavigne, and Cher. Nacho will enchant you into a space that sparkles like quartz every second.
In addition to extraordinary performers, from the 1st to the 4th floor, each level will host a party of diverse genres, offering a night woven with performances that shimmer like jewels.
1F hosts the ever-popular K-pop party Kisuni since the event's inception! Captivating the world and now an indispensable part of the global music scene, K-pop will surely make you want to dance to both trending and nostalgic hits. The stage will feature performances by the cover dance team PEBLO and the legendary dancer JuNGLE!
4F brings back the culture-based Korean popular brand Veak for another collaboration floor by Veak at Womb 4F, well-received during its third installment. It features DJ Maktoop (Kockiri) and drag queen Nana from Korea, alongside new domestic DJs, delivering a sparkling and special dance floor.
Especially, don’t miss the performance by Korea’s representative Drag Queen, Nana!
The fifth chapter of Discover.Tokyo, representing Tokyo and Asia, is about to begin.
当日券 DOOR: STANDARD: ¥5500 / 9MONSTERS: ¥5000(エントランスにてアプリ提示)
前売券 ADV: STANDARD: ¥5000 / 9MONSTERS: ¥4500 (エントランスにてアプリ提示)