Tokyo 909
R Lounge
Sunday, September 8 at 3 pm GMT+9
Sunday, September 8 at 3 pm GMT+9
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To celebrate the day of Roland's legendary drum machine "TR-909" that is celebrated every year on September 9th, the event "Tokyo-909" will be held at the R Lounge in Shibuya from 3:03pm to 9:09pm on Sunday, September 8th, with three live acts using the 909 and DJs performing sets related to the 909.
To celebrate the day related to this machine that is still very influential in the music industry 40 years after its release, live acts will include JUN (80KIDZ), Acid Tamiya Sanshiro, and tetsuya tamura (Remo-con). DJs Q'HEY, DJ TASAKA, BEPPU, and Remo-con will perform special sets related to the 909.
Don't miss this special event "Tokyo-909" that is only available on this day!
・About 909day
Roland TR-909 Day is an event celebrated every year on September 9th to celebrate the drum machine "Roland TR-909". The TR-909 is an iconic musical device that was widely used in the production of techno, house, and electronic dance music in the 1980s and 1990s.
On TR-909 Day, fans, music producers, and musicians typically gather together to hold events and parties to celebrate the machine's unique drum sound and contributions to music culture. The sound of the TR-909 is extremely important in genres such as techno and house, and its distinctive kick drum and hi-hat sounds can be heard in many songs across genres.
The day is enjoyed as an opportunity for the music production community to come together to celebrate the musical legacy and influence of the TR-909.
毎年9月9日に盛り上がる、Rolandの伝説のドラムマシン「TR-909」の日を記念し、909を使ったライブアクト3組と、909にちなんだセットを披露するDJ陣が並び立つイベント "Tokyo-909" が、渋谷のR Loungeにて、9/8日曜午後3:03~9:09までの限定で開催。
発売から40年経った現在もなお、音楽業界で非常に影響力のあるこのマシンにちなんだ日を祝うべく、 ライブアクトに JUN (80KIDZ)、アシッド田宮三四郎、tetsuya tamura (Remo-con) が登場。 DJは Q'HEY、DJ TASAKA、BEPPU、Remo-con が、909絡みのスペシャルセットを披露。
この日限りの特別なイベント"Tokyo-909" をお見逃しなく!
「Roland TR-909の日」は、毎年9月9日に祝われる、ドラムマシン「Roland TR-909」を讃えるイベントです。TR-909は、1980年代から1990年代にかけて特にテクノ、ハウス、エレクトロニック・ダンス・ミュージックの制作で広く使用されたアイコニックな音楽機器です。