Can You Feel The Sun
Corsica Studios
Saturday, September 21 at 11 pm GMT+1
Concert Venue
Saturday, September 21 at 11 pm GMT+1
Concert Venue
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Like a dog stumbling back to its own vomit we return and nothing (not even exclusivity clauses!) can stop us from having another little lick at that spew.
As we all know, those who drink alone choke, so we’ve invited some exceedingly cherished guests along for the sesh.
“Residents at Meat Free?” you ask. Yes. Absolutely. We really wanted to go but as yet haven’t found a mo. So, we asked them to come to us and mercifully for our tired souls they said they would. Blasha & Allatt will throw their crates on the train and join us from Manchester. Main room. Peak time. Buckle up.
Somewhere in the sky there is a constellation called Sybil. It tells us what we need to know. The future, the present, the past all placed amongst an expanse for our bodies to find themselves in. Music of the spheres for every synapse and stem.
Can you keep a secret? Great. The next record on the label is by LWS. With radiant feathers in his cap via his releases on TraTraTrax, Redstone Press and HEADSET (explore that label if you haven’t already, please), we welcome LWS to the label and dedicate these proceedings to his fabulous new 12” which we will celebrate with a special spring in our dance and maybe even a dedicated cocktail at the bar. LWS, what’s your favourite drink?
Finally your hosts, Parris and \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* will play individually, here to cocoon you, the dancer, in walnut shells of vibrations from the first beat to the last.
Poison Pudding & Small Talk.
This is an 18+ event