Rudy Love Fest
Saturday, July 22 at 10:45 pm CDT
Saturday, July 22 at 10:45 pm CDT
Entry Options
<p><strong>Rudy Love was a musical legend both locally and internationally!</strong><strong><br />He transformed our souls with his music and if you ever witnessed him perform live, he made you feel like he was singing to you and you only.<br />Over the years Rudy has performed with artists like Sly and the Family Stone, George Clinton, and Van Morrison to name a few.<br />Rudy was not just a musician, he was a member of the Wichita community who loved the arts, supported various community groups, and was deeply connected to his extended family.<br />October 6, 2021, Rudy passed away after a hard fight with pancreatic cancer. Just a few months before his passing, the State of Kansas, and the City of Wichita each declared their own “Rudy Love Day”.<br />We celebrated with him and watched him perform what would be some of his last appearances. In his final days, it was his wish that we as a family and community would, “keep the music playing” in his honor, and we plan to do just that!<br />Join us for a night full of LOVE!</strong></p><p><strong>-----------------------------------------------------------------</strong></p><p><strong>COVID-19 Acknowledgement & Ticket Disclaimer:</strong> <br />This ticket is a revocable license and may be taken up and admission refused upon refunding thepurchase price appearing hereon and is grounds for seizure and cancellation withoutcompensation. Holder of this ticket (“Holder”) voluntarily assumes all risks and dangerincidental to the game or event for which this ticket is issued whether occurring prior to, during,or after same, including, but not limited to, contracting, and/or spreading the COVID-19 virus,and agrees that the organization, venue, presenter, agents, participants, or players are notresponsible or liable for any injuries, sickness, or death resulting from such causes. Holderacknowledges that the COVID-19 pandemic remains a threat to individual and public health,COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease transmitted through human contact and respiratorydroplets (including through the air and via common surfaces) and it is possible that Holder maycontract COVID-19 while at the game or event for which this ticket is issued. Holder agrees byuse of this ticket not to transmit or aid in transmitting any description, account, picture, orreproduction of the game or event to which this ticket is issued. Breach of the foregoing willautomatically terminate this license. Holder agrees that the license comprised by this ticket maybe removed and Holder may be ejected from the game or event for which this ticket is issued inthe event that Holder violates any law, ordinance, or venue regulation. Holder grants permissionto the organization sponsoring the game or event for which this ticket is issued to utilize Holder’simage or likeness in connection with any video or other transmission or reproduction of the eventto which this ticket relates.</p>