Third Culture is an electrifying duo comprised of Sacha Robotti and Sian, two visionary artists who have consistently redefined their own boundaries of electronic music. Each of their individual musical journeys now meets at the apex of collaboration and cultural fusion, resulting in a captivating sonic experience that transcends genres.
Hailing from diverse backgrounds, Sacha with his German-Italian heritage, and Sian with his Irish-Spanish roots, embrace their individual cultural identities while seamlessly blending elements from different musical traditions, which is evident in their collective prior releases on the likes of Drumcode, Aus Music, Sci + Tec, Relied and Stir Von Talent. Add their own label imprints in Octopus (Sian) and Slothacid (Sacha) and it's clear this creative synergy is the foundation upon which Third Culture thrives.
From early single releases on Octopus, it was no surprise to see their first of two full EPs under the Third Culture moniker be picked up by none other than Solomun for his Dynamic label. Such an early co-sign saw support from heavyweights such Tale of Us, Michael Bibi, Maceo Plex and Camelphat.
With a third EP now dropping on Maceo Plex’s ‘Lone Romantic’ label in June 2023, it’s clear that the duo have exploded out of the blocks with much more to come