Phutureprimitive (a.k.a Rain ) hit the scene in a big way with the release of 'Sub Conscious' in 2004. His music is singular and unique in its approach: Lush melodies drift across intricate rhythms, groove heavy beats and warm, fuzzy bass lines. Often exploring a dark and dense palette, his music also manages to convey a sense of tranquility and beauty, engaging the listener into hypnotic movement and often escalating toward a full kinetic experience.
In a direct assault against the “lone producer behind a laptop” standard of live electronic music, Rain takes the live experience to new levels. The Phutureprimitive live show features: Thaddeus Moore (drums), Joel Crane (bass), and guitar, keyboards and vocals by Rain. The Phutureprimitive live experience is a sonically rich and stimulating musical offering, drawing crowds to the dance floor for a primal music experience. Constantly defying convention, the Phutureprimitive sound is not solidly rooted in any single genre nor easily defined, but draws influences from many subgenres including Downtempo, Glitch Hop, Dub, Breaks, Psychedelic Rock, and more.