Los Cadetes de Linares are one of the oldest, longest-running norteño groups in operation. Hailing from the small town of Linares in the state of Nuevo Leon, Los Cadetes are credited with authoring many of the original corridos.During the mid-'70s major labels paid little if any attention to regional Mexican music, and it wasn't until 1980 that the group was able to record consistently enough to build momentum. However, once hit songs like "Dos Coronas a Mi Madre" and "Los Pistoleros Famosos" made their way to the airwaves, Los Cadetes' fan base grew rapidly. From rural Mexican farmers to rich California suburbanites, Los Cadetes' fans spanned the Mexican population, making them one of the most popular norteño groups of the day. Though only two of the original members are still with the band, Los Cadetes de Linares are still actively recording and touring.