Hercules and Love Affair is a musical project from New York based DJ Andy Butler. Members include Nomi, Kim Ann Foxman and Antony Hegarty (lead singer of Antony and the Johnsons). It is signed to DFA Records. Their single “Blind” was released on 3 March, 2008, and their debut album (produced by Butler and Tim Goldsworthy) was released on 10 March. The album has been critically well-received and charted in the top 40 in several countries.
The band’s central figure, Andrew Butler, began his musical career at 15, DJing in a Denver leather bar run by a hostess called Chocolate Thunder Pussy. He then moved to Brooklyn, in order to attend Sarah Lawrence College. According to Butler: “I’ve been writing songs since childhood. I made music for dance performances in college (where he studied under Martin Goldray), like a remake of Gino Soccio’s ‘Runaway’ done in the style of Kraftwerk.”
Another member of the collective, Nomi, was born and raised in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, New York. One of her earlier songs “You’ll Never Know” appeared on “The Enlightened Family” Compilation released by Voodoo EROS. She also released her debut album “Lost in Lust” in 2005, an auto-biographical snap shot of life on the streets of Brooklyn. The record was self-released under the Park Side Records label and is being compared to a union between Wu-Tang Clan’s The RZA on beats and Sade on vocals. Since the album’s release Nomi has toured Europe and the US with CocoRosie. She performed at stylist Patricia Field’s residence for Fashion Week, toured Europe with Antony and the Johnsons as one of 13 NYC Beauties in the Turning Tour and recently emerged as an MC on a yet to be released version of “Heat of the Moment” with the legendary Deborah Harry.